Current Euribor rates

The interest rate table below, shows the latest Euribor interest rates. These Euribor rates are updated on a daily basis. When clicking 1 of the rates on the left, you will find an extensive overview of the development of that specific Euribor interest rate.

4/30/2024 4/29/2024 4/26/2024 4/25/2024 4/24/2024
Euribor 1 week 3.802 % 3.852 % 3.883 % 3.868 % 3.851 %
Euribor 1 month 3.873 % 3.858 % 3.848 % 3.862 % 3.852 %
Euribor 3 months 3.825 % 3.835 % 3.865 % 3.864 % 3.879 %
Euribor 6 months 3.795 % 3.815 % 3.835 % 3.825 % 3.833 %
Euribor 12 months 3.696 % 3.726 % 3.724 % 3.728 % 3.701 %